Canada Celebrates International Open Access Week 2018

Canada Celebrates International Open Access Week 2018

October 22 to 28, 2018, marked the 10th annual International Open Access (OA) Week. Founded in 2008 by SPARC and its partners, Open Access Week is now recognized around the world as an opportunity to start conversations about OA, plan collective action, and build a presence of OA in the scholarly community and beyond. This year’s theme—Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge—emphasizes the community-driven nature of the OA movement and the importance of local action.

Canada Celebrates International Open Access Week 2018

Le Canada célèbre la Semaine du libre accès international 2018

Du 22 au 28 octobre 2018, la 10e Semaine internationale du libre accès a été célébrée. Fondée en 2008 par SPARC et ses partenaires, la Semaine de libre accès est désormais reconnue dans le monde entier comme une occasion d’engager des discussions sur libre accès, de planifier une action collective et de renforcer sa présence dans la communauté de la recherche et au-delà. Le thème de cette année—Construire des fondements équitables pour la connaissance ouverte—insiste sur le caractère communautaire du mouvement de libre accès et sur l’importance de l’action locale.

Partner Response to Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management

Partner Response to Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management

The Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management was jointly released by Canada’s three major federal funding agencies – the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – in 2016. The statement of principles lays the groundwork for research data management mandates that are expected to come into effect in 2018. Canadian funders are following a larger global trend towards improving research data management. The Research Councils UK published their Common Principles on Data Policy in 2011. The US National Science Foundation has required all applicants to submit Data Management Plans since 2011.