Changing the Beat: From Interoperability to Adaptability

Changing the Beat: From Interoperability to Adaptability

Data, famously, just wants to be free. But it might also be said that data just wants to dance. Digital data is notably social at heart. Its binary form enables it to mingle easily with other digital data. Machine reading technologies mean that data can communicate directly with other data, bypassing human mediation. This potential for social capability has given rise to data management techniques that favour comparison, correlation and conformity and are built on value systems that prioritise precision, simplification and efficiency.

Le « Persistent Identifier (PID) Consortium » de Royaume-Uni

Le « Persistent Identifier (PID) Consortium » de Royaume-Uni

Dans un article pour The Scholarly Kitchen en juin 2020, Alice Meadows soutient que maintenant, alors que la pandémie COVID-19 a conduit à des niveaux sans précédent d’ouverture et de collaboration entre les chercheurs du monde entier, la construction d’une infrastructure de recherche solide et stable est plus importante que jamais (Meadows 2020; voir aussi « Science Ouverte et COVID-19 »).

Le « Persistent Identifier (PID) Consortium » de Royaume-Uni

The UK Persistent Identifier (PID) Consortium

In a post for The Scholarly Kitchen in June 2020, Alice Meadows argues that now, as the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of openness and collaboration among researchers around the world, building a strong and stable research infrastructure is more important than ever. Meadows announces that, as part of its efforts to support and expand open access (OA) in the UK, Jisc is working to establish a UK Persistent Identifier (PID) Consortium.