by Caroline Winter | 9 November 2018 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
La cOAlition S est un groupe d’agences nationales de financement de la recherche qui travaillent ensemble pour appliquer les principes du Plan S, qui préconise un accès ouvert complet et immédiat aux recherches financées par des fonds publics en Europe. La coalition est soutenue par la Commission européenne et le Conseil européen de la recherche (CER) et a été annoncée en septembre 2018.
by Caroline Winter | 19 March 2018 | English, Observations and Responses, Responses
We welcome the opportunity to submit a response to the Investing in Canada’s Future report. We were glad of the government and advisory panel’s outreach in the year leading up to the report, and the opportunities to respond through organizations such as the Federation and Social Sciences and Humanities and others in the months that followed the report’s publication.
by Caroline Winter | 3 January 2018 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
Les trois organismes presentent les attentes de meilleurs pratiques concernant la gestion des données et les responsabilités des chercheurs, communautés de recherche, des institutions de recherche et des bailleurs de fonds de recherche.
by Caroline Winter | 3 January 2018 | English, Observations, Observations and Responses
The Tri-Agency outlines expectations of best practice with regards to data management, and responsibilities of researchers, research communities, research institutions and research funders.
by Caroline Winter | 1 December 2017 | English, Observations and Responses, Responses
Brian Owen, Associate Dean of Libraries at SFU and Managing Director of PKP, shares observations from the perspective of a past and present participant in CFI-funded projects.