by Caroline Winter | 13 December 2019 | English, Observations
As an open, non-proprietary, international, and discipline non-specific tool for identifying researchers, the ORCID iD is an important component of digital research infrastructure. For more information about ORCID iDs, see the observation ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers.
by Caroline Winter | 13 December 2019 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
En tant qu’outil ouvert, non propriétaire, international et non spécifique de discipline pour identifier les chercheurs, l’identifiant ORCID est une composante importante de l’infrastructure de recherche numérique. Pour plus d’informations sur les ID ORCID, voir l’observation ORCID: Connecter la recherche et les chercheurs.
by Caroline Winter | 2 January 2019 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
L’annonce de Plan S en septembre 2018 a amené la question de la mise en œuvre au premier plan des discussions sur le libre accès. L’un des problèmes abordés dans le plan et dans un certain nombre de réponses à celui-ci est celui de la conformité : de nombreux organismes de financement en Amérique du Nord et en Europe ont des mandats en matière de libre accès, mais dans quelle mesure les chercheurs les respectent-ils ?
by Caroline Winter | 2 January 2019 | English, Observations, Observations and Responses
The announcement of Plan S in September 2018 brought the issue of implementation to the forefront of discussions of open access (OA). One issue addressed in the Plan and in a number of responses to it is that of compliance: many funding bodies in North America and Europe have OA mandates, but to what extent are researchers complying with them?
by Caroline Winter | 9 November 2018 | English, Observations, Observations and Responses
cOAlition S is a group of national research funding agencies that are working together to realize the principles of Plan S, which calls for full and immediate open access to publicly funded research across Europe. The coalition is supported by the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC) and was announced in September 2018.