by Caroline Winter | 4 March 2022 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
En janvier 2018, l’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC) a entamé une collaboration avec OpenAIRE, une organisation européenne d’infrastructure de science ouverte, dans le but d’améliorer la visibilité de la recherche canadienne. L’un des résultats de cette collaboration est Canada Explore, un portail de recherche dans les dépôts institutionnels canadiens.
by Caroline Winter | 4 March 2022 | English, Observations, Observations and Responses
In January 2018, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) began a collaboration with OpenAIRE, a European Open Science infrastructure organization, with the goal of improving the visibility of Canadian research. One of the outcomes of this collaboration is Canada Explore, a portal to research in Canadian institutional repositories.
by Caroline Winter | 29 May 2020 | Community News, English, Observations and Responses
On May 14, 2020 The Canadian Association of Research Libraries announced the release of its Institutional Open Access Policy Template for Canadian institutions, which is accompanied by a toolkit to help prepare those wishing to develop such a policy on their campus.
by Caroline Winter | 29 May 2020 | Community News, French, Observations and Responses
L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada est fière d’annoncer le lancement des Modèle et trousse de l’ABRC pour une politique de libre accès. Cette suite d’outils s’adresse aux établissements canadiens qui désirent adopter une telle politique.
by Caroline Winter | 9 October 2018 | English, Observations and Responses
Created in the spring of 2017, Coalition aims to establish an infrastructure dedicated to the digital production and dissemination of research results in the Canadian humanities and social sciences (HSS). The project is now guided by an advisory committee with representatives from various stakeholders within academia.