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This observation was written by Caroline Winter.

At a glance:

Title The Canadian–Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS)
Creator n/a
Date 2018
Keywords collaboration, INKE partner activities

The Canadian­–Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) is a collaboration between the INKE Partnership and a collective of Australian researchers and research groups, policy makers, computing organizations, libraries and library associations, and universities.

CAPOS seeks to advance open scholarship in Canada and Australia by providing opportunities for training and international collaboration at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) and at DH Downunder, analyzing and implementing international open scholarship policy, facilitating innovation in open scholarship through the development of open research infrastructure, and increasing awareness and building community across open scholarship stakeholder groups.

More information about CAPOS and its partner members is available on the INKE website.

History and Events

CAPOS began in conversations at DHSI, DH Downunder, INKE Partnership Gatherings, and other events that bring together the open scholarship community of practice together. It was launched in 2018.

The first official CAPOS Gathering will be held at the University of Newcastle in December 2019, in association with DH Downunder 2019: Knowledge Creation in the 21st Century: Approaches to Open, Digital Scholarship. The event will feature talks by Clare Appavoo from the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), Ginny Barbour from the Queensland University of Technology and the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG), Jonathan Bengtson from the University of Victoria Libraries and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL-ABRC), and Alexis Tindall from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). It will also feature lightning talks and discussion addressing issues related to open social scholarship and knowledge creation in the digital age. Registration is now open for the event.

DH Downunder 2019, to be held at the University of Newcastle from December 9–13, 2019, includes an Open Scholarship track with several classes taught by CAPOS members. Registration is open for this event as well.

An International Collaboration with Global Effects

Through this collaboration, CAPOS will work toward increasing the efficiency and impact of its Canadian and Australian partners’ open scholarship activities to further the global open scholarship movement.