by Caroline Winter | 18 October 2019 | English, Observations
On March 26, 2019, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, legislation intended to update copyright laws for the digital age across the European Union. The Directive was approved by the Council of the European Union and came into effect on June 7, 2019. Member States now have two years to write the Directive into national law.
by Caroline Winter | 13 October 2017 | English, Observations, Observations and Responses
How does the recent Federal Court ruling in Access Copyright v. York University affect fair dealing in Canada?
by Caroline Winter | 13 October 2017 | French, Observations, Observations and Responses
Quelles seront les répercussions de la récente décision de la Cour fédérale dans le procès Access Copyright c. L’Université York sur l’utilisation équitable au Canada?