International Open Access Week 2021, October 25–31

International Open Access Week 2021, October 25–31

The 14th annual International Open Access Week runs from October 25–31, 2021, and this year’s theme is “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.” This theme was chosen to align with the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science (see “UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science”), which “powerfully articulates and centers the importance of equity in pursuing a future for scholarship that is open by default” (Fandel 2021).

La science ouverte et l’initiative de l’UNESCO

La science ouverte et l’initiative de l’UNESCO

Cette déclaration a été publiée par l’International Science Council le 1 juillet 2021.

La science ouverte et l’initiative de l’UNESCO

La recherche scientifique a longtemps été une entreprise auto-organisée. Les gouvernements, les bailleurs de fonds et les universités peuvent tous, de temps à autre, avoir prescrit des priorités pour l’enquête scientifique, mais les scientifiques eux-mêmes ont largement déterminé la manière dont les enquêtes devraient être menées.

La science ouverte et l’initiative de l’UNESCO

Open Science and the UNESCO initiative

Open Science and the UNESCO Initiative. Scientific inquiry has long been a self-organized enterprise. Governments, funders and universities may all, from time to time, have prescribed priorities for scientific inquiry, but scientists themselves have largely determined how inquiries should be conducted. In the process they have created and stewarded their own organizations: learned societies, academies, and centres within the generally flexible framework of their universities.