
The Open Scholarship Policy Observatory is an initiative of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership.

that collects, tracks, and builds understanding of open social scholarship, reflecting this back to local institutions, associations, consortia, and government bodies for analysis and education.

The Open Scholarship Policy Observatory consists of

Policy clusters, which are smaller groupings of policies that relate to one another.

Our Team

The Open Scholarship Policy Observatory is an initiative of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership‘s Policy Cluster, led by Lynne Siemens (UVic) and Tanja Niemann (Érudit). It is coordinated by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI) based at the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria.

INKE Policy Cluster Leads:

  • Tanja Niemann (Érudit)
  • Lynne Siemens (UVic)

Project Director:

  • Ray Siemens (UVic)

Translation Support:

  • Olga Ziminova (Independent)

Technical Consultants:

  • Tim Sobie (UVic)
  • Talya Jesperson (Independent)



  • Janneke Adema (Coventry U)
  • Juan Pablo Alperin (Public Knowledge Project PKP)
  • Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
  • Virginia Barbour (Queensland U of Technology)
  • Jonathan Bengtson (UVic Libraries)
  • Lise Brin (Canadian Association of Research Libraries)
  • Francesca Brzezicki (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
  • Bernardo Bueno (Pontifical Catholic U Rio Grande do Sul)
  • Julia Bullard (U British Columbia)
  • Canadian Society for Digital Humanities
  • Leslie Chan (U Toronto Scarborough)
  • Richard Dumont (U de Montréal)
  • Ian Duncan (Australian Research Data Commons)
  • Lisa Goddard (UVic Libraries)
  • Matthew Greenhall (U Liverpool)
  • Gary Hall (Coventry U)
  • Janet Halliwell (JE Halliwell Associates)
  • Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U)
  • Stefan Higgins (UVic)
  • Caitlin Horrall (Libraries and Archives Canada)
  • Matt Huculak (UVic Libraries)
  • Talya Jesperson (Independent)
  • Inba Kehoe (UVic Libraries)
  • Shahira Khair (UVic Libraries)
  • Les Kneebone (U Melbourne)
  • Iryna Kuchma (Electronic Information for Libraries)
  • Vincent Larivière (Érudit)
  • Natalie MacDonald (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
  • John Maxwell (Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing)
  • Gabriel Miller (Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Jeff Moon (Canadian Association of Research Libraries)
  • Samuel Moore (Cambridge U; Homerton C)
  • Tanja Niemann (Érudit)
  • Brian Owen (Simon Fraser U and Public Knowledge Project)
  • Émilie Paquin (Érudit)
  • Jefferson Pooley (Muhlenberg C)
  • Rebecca Ross (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
  • Maggie MyLove Sardino (Syracuse U)
  • Kathleen Shearer (Confederation of Open Access Repositories)
  • Kate Shuttleworth (Public Knowledge Project; Simon Fraser U Library)
  • John Simpson (Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada)
  • Michael Eberle Sinatra (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques)
  • Kevin Stranack (Public Knowledge Project)
  • Donald Taylor (Simon Fraser U Library)
  • Mike Taylor (U Wolverhampton)
  • Jesse Thomas-Kern (U British Columbia)
  • Simon Van Bellen (Érudit)
  • Deb Verhoeven (U Alberta)
  • Claire Warwick (Durham U)
  • Martha Whitehead (Harvard U)
  • Annie Wolfe (Libraries and Archives Canada)
  • Jennifer Zerkee (Simon Fraser U Library)

Past Team Members

  • Alyssa Arbuckle (Project Director)
  • Caroline Winter (Project Director and Project Manager)
  • Sarah Milligan (Research Consultant)
  • Kimberly Silk (Research Consultant)
  • Jonathan Martin (Technical Consultant)




Open Scholarship Resources

For more info about open scholarship terms and further resources, please visit etcl.uvic.ca/open-scholarship-resources/.


For access to all references used in our posts, please visit our Zotero group library.

Open Scholarship Press Collections: Policy on PubPub and Wikibooks

This annotated bibliography of resources related to open scholarship policy is part of the Open Scholarship Press Collections.

PubPub | Wikibooks